Swale Watchers Announcement

June 3, 2022

After 10 years of chairing the Northeast Swale Watchers, Louise Jones is stepping down from her leadership role. Louise brought her passion for conservation and inspiring persistence to the Northeast Swale Watchers. We thank her for her unwavering commitment to protecting the swales and wish her well.

For now, the Northeast Swale Watchers will be guided by a Steering Committee led by co-chairs Candace Savage and Meghan Mickelson.

There is still work to be done moving forward, so please keep an eye out for ways to participate in the near future.

Farewell Message from Louise

Dear Swale Watchers,

As I have taken a “walk down memory lane” over the past few weeks, I have realized how much we have done together. I have prepared a timeline of key events in the past 10 years since the Swale Watchers formed and a brief synopsis. View the pdf documents in the provided links if you would like that kind of detail.

I believe we have strongly influenced the thinking of the City even though we are still impatiently waiting for the signs of real changes in structure to support action. We have increased public awareness of the incredible value of this important natural area and that is a great accomplishment. After ten exciting, and yes at times frustrating, years, it’s time for me to step back and allow others to take the lead. I believe the challenge going forward is to find ways to engage a larger public in taking action.

Best wishes to all of you. I hope to see you at the Swale from time to time.

– Louise